Celebrate Easter by Deborah HeiligmanCelebrate Easter with Colored Eggs, Flowers, and Prayer
Holidays Around the World Series
National Geographic
Ages 5-9
978-1426300202 Hardcover
978-1426306280 Paperback

IndieBoundAmazonBarnes & NoblePowell’s

Rejoicing and prayer. Bunnies and flowers.

Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christian people around the world. On Easter, Christians recall Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and celebrate the miracle of the Resurrection, when He returned to life.

Easter comes in spring, when the dark days of winter give way to light. It is a time to rejoice and give thanks for new life. There are flowers and beautiful colors everywhere. Baby animals, such as bunnies, lambs, and chicks, symbolize beginnings and new life. At Easter, families and friends gather together in pretty new clothes to pray, parade, and visit. Children get baskets filled with candy and colored eggs. In many places the Easter Bunny pays a visit and children hunt for Easter eggs.